Four Contemporary Craft from Four American Artists ~ All Home Design

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Four Contemporary Craft from Four American Artists

Contemporary works of four outstanding artists in the Smithsonian American Art Museum. exhibition which was held March 25, presents four artists with different styles. According to an exhibition curator Nicholas Bell "Something unique from these artists is their acute understanding of art and they use it to create something new and unique.". Four artists are Matthias Pliessnig, Cliff Lee, Ubaldo Vitali, Judith Schaechter. Matthias Pliessnig create unique furniture from a curved steel. Cliff Lee made ​​porcelain vase like teardrop, elegant and unique. Ubaldo Vitali RestoreS historical objects and creates contemporary pieces Such as this sleek tea service. In the hands of Judith Schaechter, a stained-glass panels, Some 30 to 40 inches in size, may be comprised hundreds of pieces of glass.

Four Contemporary Craft from Four American Artist

Four Contemporary Craft from Four American Artist

Four Contemporary Craft from Four American Artist

Four Contemporary Craft from Four American Artist

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